Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Trending:This Car Was Parked At Mendiola It Was Shaking. They Were All Shocked When They Found Out What Was Happening Inside!

This Car Was Parked At Mendiola It Was Shaking. They Were All Shocked When They Found Out What Was Happening Inside!

A 15-second video is now making the rounds on the internet. At first glance, it looks like an ordinary video featuring the roads of Mendiola. It is when you really concentrate that you'll realize that something is off.

The car parallel to the camera is shaking as if brought upon by a powerful earthquake with a high magnitude. But you can see that the whole place wasn't shaking and even the passersby were curious as to what is happening to the car.

Looks fishy right? What could be possibly happening inside that car? Now, we avoid judgments, and since the windows are tinted we really couldn't derive a conclusive and definite answer.

Maybe they were just playing around? Having a party inside the car? Or the traffic was too heavy, and they just can't wait? Whatever the reason was, this is surely one hilarious video.

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