Monday, March 20, 2017

This Is What Will Happen When You Put Cabbage On Your Breasts and Legs Before Sleeping!

This Is What Will Happen When You Put Cabbage On Your Breasts and Legs Before Sleeping!

Cabbage is a kind of vegetable that most people are familiar with. This vegetable is wildly available in the market and is a great ingredient in many Filipino dishes. Although many people are familiar with this vegetable as food, not a lot also know that it is a great remedy for swelling and body aches.

Cabbage and its minerals and vitamins are considered as remedy for various diseases. The following are the known health benefits of putting cabbage leaf onto a particular body part.

1.)    Helps In The Healing Process
-When you have wounds, you have to wait for a few days until they completely heal. Sometimes, the pain may be unbearable. Fortunately, cabbage can help fasten the healing process of theses wounds. Cabbage leaves are rich in methionine which is an essential amino acid for body tissue repair and growth.

2.)    Headache Relief
-Cabbage leaves are rich in different kind of minerals such as Vitamin C and K, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and iron which are essential in preventing headaches. They also contain anti-oxidants which are essential in the detoxification processes

3.)     Breast-Freeding Through Cabbage Therapy
-Mothers have difficulty in breast-feeding because their breasts tend to be too tender which affects milk flow. Experts say that one way to ease this is through putting chilled cabbage directly onto the breast to feel some soothing sensation. The same method works for menstrual pain and cramps.

4.)    Improve Thyroid Gland Hormone Release
-Eating different kinds of fruits and vegetables may affect the body’s release of hormones. Experts say that chilled cabbage wrapped around the thyroid glands are effective in balancing the release of hormones from this gland.

5.)    Reduce Swelling
-Cabbage leaves are rich in glucosinolate which is an effective anti-inflammatory compound. It alleviates and soothes pain caused by swelling joints or body parts.

Although simple home remedies are always available at home, it is still recommended to see health professionals for more accurate health problem solutions and tips.

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